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  • Projects can be organized into sub-projects called Phases.

  • Phases can be renamed, e.g. "Work Order" or "Release” or “Ticket.”

  • Phases can be used for production batches and other purposes.

Create a phase template

  • Navigate: Menu bar > Settings > Edit Templates > Phase

  • Opens the Phase Templates form

  • Right-click the panel “Select a Template”

  • Select “Add” and enter a description (name).

Change the Description and other properties of the Phase on the Left. The fields that are displayed on the left are controlled by the Phase Template. The 'Scope' field on the right is a longer description field for the Phase and can be renamed in Settings. Select OK to save the Phase.

If Tasks are configured to be added per the Phase Template or per the Default Phase Status then you will see the Task Trigger window. Make any desired changes then click OK to add the Task(s). You can also right-click the Task for some additional options.

The sub-tabs for the Phase contain related information to the currently selected Phase.

Add a phase to a project

  • Navigate: Toolbar > Project icon > Project form.

  • Select a project from the list on the left.

  • Select the Phase tab.

  • Right-click the list of Phases below and select Add Phase.

  • “Select a Phase Template” window: select from the list to add a phase to the project.

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