Other, more contextual reports can be found within different forms throughout Crows Nest. For example, to get to an accounts payable invoice, you would right-click on an invoice record while on the Invoice tab of the Project form.
The Report Form
oneThe Reports form lists general reports that don’t require a context (i.e. the current Project)
Navigate to the Reports form from the main ribbon menu.
Select the desired report.
Populate the required parameters (note: Not all reports will have parameters)
Click Submit.
Note: Both Microsoft Report Builder files (*.rdlRDL) and DevExpress (*.REPX) reports cohabitate in the same report interface, and are identifiable by different icon colors.
Additional Report Controls
Right-click anywhere in the report Interface to pop-up a context menu with additional controls. | |
Expand/Collapse All - The report interface displays reports in a tree structure. Clicking Expand All and Collapse All are quick ways to toggle all open or closed. | |
Add New Report - The DevExpress Report Designer engine is built into Crows Nest. This feature provides you with all the tools necessary to build your own reports (although, we are more than happy to do this for you!) When you select Add New Report, the Report Designer launches, and you can begin creating a new report (*.REPX). Modify Selected Report - When you right click on a DevExpress report, it will open in the DevExpress Report Designer that is built-in to the application. | |
Note: To create a new report or modify an existing report using Microsoft Report Builder (*.RDL), you will need to launch that application outside of Crows Nest, then import the finished report into Crows Nest. | |
Rename Selected Report - Right click any existing report, select Rename Selected Report:
| |
Import Report File - Right click anywhere in the report interface and select Import Report File to browse your available drive locations, to import any *.RDL or *.REPX file into Crows Nest. | Note: The default location for importing canned, sample reports provided by Crows Nest is: |
Export Report File - Right click any *.RDL or *.REPX file to export it to any mapped drive location on your system. | |
Delete Selected Report - This only removes the selected report file from your Report Interface. It will NOT remove the file from any location where the file is stored on your PC’s local file system. |