Track pertinent metadata about your asset. In addition to a description, you can store other key information such as an accounting ID from your accounting system, the serial number, its purchase date, service date, location, which employee has it in their possession (if applicable), and of course, the asset’s purchase price. | |
Store links to photos or any relevant documents pertaining to your asset, such as invoices, maintenance records, warranties, operating manuals, etc. Click the To remove an existing link, click the ❌ next to the link. | |
Create what-if scenarios for asset depreciation with commonly used GAAP depreciation methods.
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The ‘Depreciation by Year’ graph displays the cumulative depreciation for each calendar year. This information will adjust depending on the depreciation method used for each asset. The range of years are determined by the earliest year an asset was put into service and the maximum year based on the useful life of your assets. |
Adding/Editing a New Fixed Asset Record
Adding a New Fixed Asset Record: Creating a new fixed-asset record is as simple as entering data into any field on the next available row indicated by the gold asterisk icon.
Editing a Fixed Asset Record: When you select any row in the data table, you will see the icon on the left-hand side of the table of records. The
blue pencil icon indicates that you are in ‘edit’ mode and may make changes to the selected row. Edits are saved automatically.
Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering the Data Grid
Right clicking any column header will open a pop-up context menu with multiple options to control how your grid displays your data.
Drag Column Headers to Group your Data
You can drag-and-drop any of your data column headers to the ‘Group By’ box above the data table, to arrange your data into your desired groupings.