Error while changing the ID of a Phase (Work Order)


After changing the ID for a Phase the following error occurs (Note: Phase may be renamed in your database so something like 'Release' or 'Work Order')

Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.
System.String ToString(System.Object)
   at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToString(Object Value)
   at CrowsNest.Form_Project.Phase_Grid_CellValueChanged(Object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)

Due to the change of the Phase ID, Crows Nest will look for a linked Folder so it can attempt to rename it using the new ID, but if it finds a blank folder location, the error occurs.


The error can safely be ignored since all other operations are completed before the step of renaming the folder. Since there is no folder to rename, there is no effect other than the error message.

To get rid of the error on version prior to 2017-08-10, you will need to insert a valid file path into the Folder field for the Phase. After linking a folder, it can be deleted if desired. If the folder exists the next time the ID is changed, it will attempt to rename it using the configured options to name a Phase folder using the ID with a preset number of leading zeros. If you link to a folder, then delete the folder, the error will go away and it will not attempt to rename the folder.


This bug has been fixed and shouldn't occur on any version after 2017-08-10.