Release: March 1, 2020

  • Employee Filters – Added filters to the Employee form for Type, Department, Payroll Group and Supervisor

  • Alias for Vendor, BillTo, ShipTo – New Settings added for changing the labels in the interface for Vendor, Bill To and Ship To have been added. The setting names are “ColumnAlias_Vendor”, “ColumnAlias_BillTo” and “ColumnAlias_ShipTo”.

  • Document Favorites –Project Links that have the Favorite box checked will appear at the top of the Documents tab. Go to the Links tab on the Project and add/edit a Link and check the Favorite column. Add new links directly from the Documents tab by right-clicking on a Folder or File and using ‘Add to Favorites’. Default Files and Links for new Projects can be configured to automatically saved them as Favorites.

  • Timeclock Filter by Department – On the desktop Timeclock app, there is a new Department Filter in Settings so you can select a Department and it will show all employees that have a matching Default Department or a Department Filter.

  • Timeclock Set Default Department/Operation – On the desktop Timeclock app, there is a new option in Settings titled ‘Select Defaults’. If this unchecked, the selection for the Department and Operation will be cleared when an employee is selected.

  • Dashboard App – Added a new Windows desktop app for displaying a report on an auto-refresh cycle that can be used to display a dashboard report. This will show up as a new Feature during installation. The Dashboard app will load a list of any reports with a name that starts with “CN_DASHBOARD_” and has not visible parameters. To get started, open the app and click on the gear icon to open settings. Provide a SQL server and database location, this should match the settings in your main client app. It will load the list of reports you can choose from. Select the report to run and it will refresh on the time interval specified in the settings.