Release: October 20, 2020

Release: October 20, 2020

  • Estimate, Import ‘Cost Add’ - Added the CostAdd field to available fields to import from an XML file created by Bluebeam or other source. Add a field named ‘CostAdd’ to the XML file with a decimal value.

  • Part/Color/Part List/Inventory Tables - On the Parts, Part Lists, Colors and Inventory forms, added functionality to move, show and hide columns to all of the tables. To toggle visibility of a column right-click a table and click Show/Hide Columns. To move a column click the column header once to select it, then click and drag the column header to move it. Also added a right-click option titled Wrap Text that you can use to toggle text wrapping on/off for each table. These settings are per employee login so each employee can customize the view separately. On the Part form, added new subtabs for Project Part and Project Pricing. On the Color form, added a new subtab for Project Pricing.

  • Process Estimate to SOV - Added a new option titled ‘List Individual Products’ to the right of the ‘Create SOV’ option on the Process Estimate window. When this option is enabled the SOV will populate with each individual Product including the Qty and Unit Value instead of grouping them into one line item. The Description field will be populated by the Note on the product line item. If there is no Note it will use the Product Description and if that is blank it will use the Product Name. You can override this by changing the value of the Setting named 'ProcessEstimate_SOVDescription'.
    Example:COALESCE(EProduct.Note, Product.Description, Product.Name)

  • Task Predecessor Manual Override - On the Task Detail window you click on the Predecessor to manually select a new Predecessor. Note: You can still only select a Task with the same Parent. In a future update linking to Tasks with other parents will be possible.

  • Task Details - Added a Notes tab to the Task Detail window where you can add/edit notes . Added a Dept/Oper field to show which labor Department and Operation the Task is linked to.

  • Timeclock Task Parent - Added a column to the Timeclock form to show the Parent of the linked Task so you can see the parent in instances where the Task is not a Project or Phase.

  • Fix: Renaming Project - If a Project folder path was saved using the %USERPROFILE% path, it was removed when renaming or re-numbering a Project which triggered the renaming of the folder.

  • Fix: Timeclock Total - The total hours at the top of the Timeclock form was adding the pre-rounded decimal hours per line item which could show an inaccurate total.

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