Release: January 27, 2021

Release: January 27, 2021

There are new fields added for Parts in this release. Any reports that list part descriptions will need to be updated to read from the new fields. We will be updating the canned reports which can be reloaded. For help updating reports contact support@crowsnestsoftware.com


  • Inventory; Filter by History - Added a new filter option on the Inventory screen titled “Filter by History” that affects how the Project, Phase and Location filters work. If “Filter by History” is checked, the list will include all Inventory that had any Transactions related to the filtered item. If unchecked, the list will only include Inventory that currently has a non-zero quantity of inventory allocated to the linked item.

  • Inventory Transaction Reference Date - Added a new column to the Inventory Transaction table to show the date from the Reference. When the Reference column contains an MR Item, PO Item or Pick Ticket Item the Reference Date will show the Use Stock Date, PO Item Receive Date or Pick Ticket Item Consume date respectively.

  • Overtime Threshold by Schedule - The overtime thresholds set per Schedule are now honored on the main app and Timeclock app. The API will be updated soon for use with the mobile app.

  • Timeclock Buttons - The buttons on the main app and timeclock app for clocking in and taking breaks now honor the settings from the Scheduled linked to the employee

  • ‘Create Invoice’ Shortcuts - Two new links were added to speed up the invoice creation process. In the Invoice Balance section of the Invoice tab on a Project, if there is a ‘Ready to Invoice’ amount shown there will also be a link next to it titled ‘Create Invoice’. Clicking that link will let you walk through the typical steps of creating an invoice but it will skip the prompt to the user asking if they want to add SOV items to the invoice. The other link appears next to the ‘Unreleased Retention’ value if it is greater than zero and is also titled ‘Create Invoice’. Clicking that link will walk through the the typical steps of creating an invoice but it will automatically add a Release Retention line item to the Invoice in the full amount of all Unreleased Retention.

  • Phase Activity Completion Status - On the Activity Timeline tab in options you can set a Phase Status per Department to trigger a status change for the associated Phase when the Activity is completed. Also added a Status color indicator next to the Phase description.

  • Timeclock GPS - A new column has been added to the Timeclock form that displays a map location icon. Clicking on the icon will gather all of the unique GPS coordinates from the same day for the selected employee and pass them via Google Maps URL to the OS to open in the default browser.

  • DB Utility Connections - The DB Utility reads and shares the Connections list with the main client so you can easily switch between connections when using multiple connections. A successful update will also store the backup file location per connection.

  • Estimate Tax Rate - You can set the Tax Rate on each Estimate independently of the Project. On the Summary tab for the estimate there is a new row titled Tax Rate. Left-click the pencil icon in the row to select a Tax Rate. Right-click the pencil to remove the currently selected tax rate. If there is no Tax Rate selected on the Estimate but there is one selected on the Project it will show the Tax Rate from the Project.

  • Phase Template Budget Formula - Added an Amount Formula column to the Material Budget records on a Phase Template to calculate the Unit Amount.

  • Expense New Columns - Added columns to link an Employee and Contact to Expense items.

  • Task Overview New Columns - Added available columns for Status of Project, Phase, Drawing, Estimate and Parent.

  • Contacts Form Loading Time - Optimized the Contacts form to reduce loading times, especially in cloud configurations.

  • Parts - Added new fields to Parts, see following list. When the part is displayed in a list it will combine the the Mfg name, Mfg ID, Part Description and UOM description (example: Acme; 1234; Widget, EA). If selecting Parts filtered by Project it will also display the description and status of linked Project Parts (example: [PULL-1] (Approved) Acme; 6789; Wire Pull, EA)

    • Mfg - Select a manufacturer from Businesses

    • Mfg ID - The manufacturer’s Identifier or Part Number

    • UOM - Select a Unit of Measure from a customizable list

  • UOM - Added a Unit of Measure column to Parts, MR Items and PO Items and PT (pick ticket) Items. Select the UOM at the Part level and it will automatically be displayed on MR, PO and PT items. If you modify the UOM on an item linked to a Part it will change the UOM on that Part. The separate UOM column is added for scenarios where no Part is used.

  • Project Parts/Colors - Added columns for Created On and Created By to the Project Parts and Colors tables.

  • SOV Phase Value - Added a sub table to the SOV to split a value between multiple phases. Added new options when right-clicking an SOV item and using Link to New Phase allowing the user to create multiple Phases from one SOV item and split the value across the phases.


  • When importing products to an Estimate from a Bluebeam takeoff, the following error would occur:
    The column "PCC" cannot be modified because it is either a computed column or is the result of a UNION operator

  • Pasting to the Note column on the SOV would cause an error if the pasted text was too long to fit in the note column.

  • When creating multiple Phases from the SOV, if the Phase Template had Material Budget records with a formula an error would stop the process.

  • After using the ‘Copy to SOV’ function from the Change Order and switching to the SOV view an error would popup continuously until the SOV was reloaded.

  • When Editing the Qty on an existing Employee Timeoff record it would only accept integer values and ignore numbers with decimal values.

  • After a recent update, the option to display My Tasks and My Tasks window at Startup were not sticking.

  • When turning on Inventory for a Part and answering yes to back fill inventory transactions, it would only work if the matching inventory record did not exist. Now it will work in the scenario where inventory is turned on, then items are received, then you turn inventory off and back on to have it recreate any that were missed.

  • Users with access to the Calendar form could view project/phase values even if they did not have permission to view the contract tab on the project form.

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