Hide Options on the Login Window

These are advanced settings intended for IT personnel to prevent specific users from accessing connection and license settings.

To speed up user configuration, GPO can be used to push out preconfigured settings files.

The settings file can be found in the following location

%APPDATA$\Roaming\Crows Nest Software, Inc\Settings.xml

In the Options section of the file, the following xml nodes with a value of True can be added to hide specific items. See corresponding numbered item in the pic as well as a sample snippet from a settings file below.

  1. <Hide_AutoLogin>

  2. <Hide_NetworkCreds>

  3. <Hide_ChangePW>

  4. <Hide_Connections>

  5. <Hide_LicenseKey>

  6. <Hide_ViewSeats>

  7. <Hide_RegisterSeat>



<Options> <LastConnection>Default</LastConnection> <HomeForm>Form_Project</HomeForm> <Hide_AutoLogin>True</Hide_AutoLogin> <Hide_NetworkCreds>True</Hide_NetworkCreds> <Hide_ChangePW>True</Hide_ChangePW> <Hide_Connections>True</Hide_Connections> <Hide_LicenseKey>True</Hide_LicenseKey> <Hide_ViewSeats>True</Hide_ViewSeats> <Hide_RegisterSeat>True</Hide_RegisterSeat> </Options>