Release: March 15th, 2022

  File Modified

File CrowsNestSetup.msi 2022-03-15

Mar 16, 2022 by Paul Hitchcock


  • Project Filter on Project Board - Added a filter for Project on the Project Board form to limit view to selected Projects.

  • Cutoff Date Filter on Employee Timeoff - Added a Cutoff Date filter at the top of the Timeoff tab under Employees to limit the amount of Transactions and Special Days that are loaded. The default cutoff date is the first of the current year. You can click the cutoff date link to pick a new date. Records will be loaded that occur on or after the cutoff date.

  • Timeclock Show Budget - Added an option on the Timeclock app to show/hide the Budget and Progress columns for Tasks

  • Create Inventory from PO - Added a right-click option to select one or more rows on a PO and Create Inventory. This will generate the Inventory record for the highlighted items (if it the don’t already exist) so that labels can be printed for the PO with inventory barcodes already populated without having to receive the items first.

  • Estimate, Save Current Pricing - Added a right-click option to ‘Save Current Pricing’ on the Material Substitution tab that will use the currently displayed prices and add them as an override so they are not affected by pricing changes in the Product Library.

  • Estimate Import CSV - Added a new setting named EstimateImport_CSV_DefaultQty to configure the default qty for line items when the qty is not provided in the CSV.

  • Pricing History - On the PO tab in the Pricing History window, new columns were added for Project and Phase. Added a Created On date to Project Pricing records and added column to display this on the Project Pricing tab.

  • Product Price Override - Added a Price Override column to the Product library that can be used to set a set price instead of using Cost and Markup. As of this update this can be set on the product, but it is not yet functional on an Estimate.

  • Inventory/Pick Tickets - On the Pick Tickets tab on the Inventory form, added new right-click options to Allocate and Adjust Inventory so you can make these adjustments here without navigating to another area.

  • Duplicate Task Definition - Added a right-click option to duplicate a Task Definition

  • Employee PIN - Increased the PIN length to allow up to 8 digits.

  • Pricing History - On the Pricing History window added a right-click option to “Goto Vendor” and “Goto Vendor Web Site”

  • Calendar Form

    • Special Days Range for Capacity - The available Capacity now honors the ‘End’ date for Special Days records that span multiple days. This eliminates the need to enter in multiple separate records in Special Days to affect capacity.

    • New Filters - Added filters to the Calendar form for Employee and Equipment. This only applies to Tasks and Task Assignments.

    • Assignment Options - Added new right-click options for Tasks to Assign Employees and Equipment

  • SOV Ready to Invoice - Added a read-only column to the SOV to display the Read to Invoice amount for each line which is calculated as the Amount Done less the Amount Invoiced.

  • Task Overview

    • New Columns - Added columns for Assigned Equipment and Assigned Employees separate from the original combined one. Also added columns for Resources, Resource Groups and Resources Combined to display Resource Requirements

    • New Functions - Added right-click options to quickly assign equipment, employees and resource groups for multiple rows at once.

    • Multiple Row Date Changes - Modified the right-click options that affect Start and Due date so they can be used when selecting multiple rows at once.

    • Sequence Tasks - Added a right-click option to highlight multiple tasks and sequence/unoverlap them so that the Start Date of each task is set to the Due Date task on the previous row in the current row order.

    • Insert Sibling Tasks - New right-click option to insert all of the sibling tasks directly under each highlighted task. These are temporary and will not be present when the filter is reloaded.

    • Hide Rows - New right-click option to remove Tasks from the view temporarily.

    • Clocked In Indicator - A green circle indicator will show on the row header if any employees are currently clocked into the task.

  • Manifest Container Scan - Added a new scan option for scanning on the Manifest form. Scanning this barcode will add a scan to all items linked to a container for the indicated Action. A common use for this is using pallets as Containers. The format is “MCA.<ContainerID>.<ActionID>.<ActionState>” (Note: This is currently only for the desktop app, not the mobile app)

    • Example: MCA.12.1.1

    • ContainerID: ID of a Manifest Item Container

    • ActionID: Number of the Action to Scan

    • ActionState: 0 or 1 to Uncheck or Check the action (Currently only 1 is supported)

  • Open Windows List - Added a list of open windows that appears below the toolbar for quickly switching between and closing open windows. This can be opened under the View drop down menu. There is also an option to turn this on by default at startup. Left-click a window name to activate it, right or middle click to close the window.

  • Change Order Import - Added a setting titled “ChangeOrderImportIncludeMarkup” to enable/disable adding the Labor and Material markups when importing labor and material from an estimate to a change order. You can set this setting using a chekbox on the Change Order tab in Options. The default value is True which keep the behavior consistent from previous versions.

  • SQL Spacial Data Types - Added the libraries necessary for using spatial data types to facilitate reports that use spatial data.

  • Ordered/Allocated Table - Modified the Ordered/Allocated table on the Project form to allow cell selection and display an aggregate total on the right side of the status bar.

  • Quickbooks Settings - On the Quickbooks tab in settings added another sub tab for Parts to view the QB Item mapping between parts. This mapping can still be edited on the Parts form.


  • On the timeclock form, clicking on the Supervisor filter, then clicking cancel would throw an error and the form needed to be closed and reopened to clear the filter.

  • When changing the end of a Project description, the project folders were renamed incorrectly

  • The recently added setting ‘PhaseStatusOnComplete’ was not working correctly and was causing a change to this status whenever the completed status was changed on any task on the phase.

  • When editing a Phase Template and adding Operations to the labor tab an error would occur if any of the cells in the current rows were selected.

  • For post process custom scripts for estimates, the <DrawingIDs> and <EstimateID> tags were not working

  • After an update in December, if the Task Completed setting (for assignees) was turned off in Options, then employees configured to be Notified upon completion in the Task instance or Task Definition were not being notified either.

  • The Project Pricing tab on the Pricing History window was not loading records correctly when a specific value was selected for Color1 or Color2

  • When copying from Special Days to Timeoff on the Employee form for records that have use an End date to span multiple days, the qty of days was not calculating correctly

  • There was a layout issue on the Calendar form where the controls on the Tab Pages would shift down when the form was opened and switched to from another form

  • The column widths at the bottom of the Calendar form would reset on every load

  • In some scenarios, the Location on the PO Item Receiving log were being overwritten so they weren’t in sync with the linked inventory transaction

  • When pasting values from the clipboard into the SOV the Amount Complete value was not recalculating

  • When Auto Refresh was enabled on the Manifest form the line items would reload and the sort was lost causing records to resort

  • On the Phase Template form, on the Marker tab, the values entered into the Prompt Column were not saving correctly