Recalculate Existing Estimates

The data structure for Estimates has changed with this update. For current Estimates, you should right-click on the Estimate in the list and ‘Recalculate this Estimate’ to force a recalculation and repopulation of all of the labor/material data on all products on the estimate.

If you would like a query to run that updates all estimates in the database, contact us at support@crowsnestsoftware.com

Estimating Reports May Need Updating

There are some changes to the data structure in this update that affect Estimating and you may need to have any customized proposal reports updated.

If you are using Estimating, it is suggested to contact us to review your estimating reports prior to updating to make sure they will work in the new update.

Following is a list of the new permissions that have been added

  • Can Delete Roles - Prevent users from deleting Project and Business Roles

  • Can Delete Drawings - Prevent users from deleting Drawing records

  • Can Edit Templates - Control access to form to edit Phase, MR and Manifest Templates

  • Can Edit Task Dates - Allow user to manually edit Task Start/Due dates

  • Can Edit Invoice Credits - Allow user to add/edit Credits on Project Invoices

  • Can Edit Invoice Custom Items - Allow user to add/edit Custom Items on Project Invoices

  • Can Edit Invoice Discounts - Allow user to add/edit Discounts on Project Invoices

  • Can Edit Invoice Payments - Allow user to add/edit Payments on Project Invoices

  • Can Edit Invoice Refunds - Allow user to add/edit Refunds on Project Invoices

  • Can Access Form: Schedule - Controls access to Schedules

  • Mobile: Can Access Project Contacts - Allow user to view a list of Project Contacts on the mobile app

  • Mobile: Can View Unassigned Projects - If disabled, the Project list on the mobile app will only list projects on which the that the employee is assigned a Role

Estimates now allow rich text in the Estimate and Group descriptions but existing reports will still show the plain text descriptions. To show the rich text the reports will need to be modified first. For help modifying reports, email us at support@crowsnestsoftware.com

The Process Estimate form has new options to create Material Requests, Pick Tickets and Manifests. If you already are creating these using the Post Process Custom Script, the script should be modified before using these new options

If you are using a report that allows you to select multiple Manifest Items and use the IDs of the selected items to filter the report, it may need to be updated to use the parameter named SelectedManifestItemIDs instead of ManifestItemID. See this page for more information.



We’ve introduced an exciting new feature:
the Sub-Products tab.

This feature allows you to create standalone products or combine multiple sub-products into a final product or assembly. For instance, you can have separate products like a door assembly, shelf assembly, and a cabinet carcass. By combining these, you can easily create a one-door cabinet with shelves.

Using sub-products streamlines the process of assembling new products in your Product library, making it quicker and more efficient.

Learn more here


Introducing the All-New Estimating Module: Faster, More Intuitive, and Packed with Enhanced Controls

We are thrilled to announce the release of our completely refactored estimating software, designed to revolutionize your user experience. This major update brings significant improvements to both the backend and the front-end user interface, ensuring a seamless and efficient workflow for all users.

Backend Enhancements: Powering Performance

Our development team has meticulously overhauled the backend architecture, resulting in a robust and high-performing system. These enhancements translate to faster processing times, increased reliability, and the ability to handle larger datasets with ease. Whether you’re managing complex projects or handling multiple estimates simultaneously, our software is now more capable than ever.

Front-End Overhaul: Intuitive and User-Friendly

The front-end user interface has been completely redesigned with you in mind. Our goal was to create a more intuitive and visually appealing experience. The new interface is not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional, allowing users to navigate effortlessly through the software. Key features include:

  • Streamlined Navigation: Simplified menus and toolbars for quicker access to essential functions.

  • Enhanced Visuals: Modern design elements that improve readability and reduce eye strain.

  • Customizable Summary: Tailor your estimate summary to suit your specific needs and preferences.

Greater Control: Empowering Users

One of the standout features of this update is the increased level of control it offers users. With more customizable options and advanced settings, you can fine-tune the software to match your workflow perfectly. Key improvements include:

  • Advanced Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering: Easily group, sort and filter tabular data to display it the way you want to see it. Learn more here

  • Conditional Formatting: Create and apply conditional formatting rules to highlight data meeting your desired thresholds. Learn more here

  • Built-in Rich Text Editor: Allows you to create high-impact document processing solutions that emulate the look, feel, and capabilities of Microsoft Word.®


If your estimate/proposal report was created prior to this new feature’s release, you will need to update the report, so it displays the rich text.

If your estimate/proposal report was created prior to this new feature’s release, you will need to update the report, so it displays the rich text.

Experience the Difference

We invite you to experience the new and improved estimating software for yourself. With its faster performance, intuitive interface, and greater control, it’s designed to make your estimating tasks easier and more efficient than ever before. Upgrade today and take your project management to the next level.

Payment Method

Applying a Payment to an outstanding project invoice now includes the option to associate a Payment Method. You can add, rename, and delete payment methods.

Grid UI/UX Customization

Many datagrids have been replaced throughout the desktop application with more easy-to-use and highly customizable grids. The more modern datagrids offer an array of UI customization features - so you can personalize your datagrids to meet your ever-changing needs. Learn more here

Labor Detail Lookup

The Detail sub-tab on the Timeclock form displays labor punches in a datagrid that can be grouped, filtered and sorted allowing you to view your labor detail records in a way that provides you valuable insights to your data.

Time -Off Requests
on Calendar

Depending upon employee permissions, users now have the ability to manage Time-off requests from the Calendar form.

MR Queue

The MR Queue has been refactored to take advantage of more modern controls that give you greater control over how your data is grouped, filtered, and sorted.

Report Interface

Throughout Crows Nest, the Report Interface has been updated. RDL reports now have a parameter panel instead of a string of popups. Additionally, RDL and REPX reports cohabitate in the same panel and are identifiable by different icon colors.

Dashboard App

The standalone Dashboard App now supports .RDL Reports, .REPX reports and BI Dashboards. Additionally, an Expand to Full Screen mode has been added.

Project UDC Validation

Project UDC Text fields can now be turned into drop down selections

  1. Go to Settings-->Options-->All

  2. Use search or scroll to find the appropriate numbered setting starting with ‘ProjectUDCText’ and ending with ‘Validation’

  3. Double-click the Name cell in the setting row to open a multi-line editor

  4. Enter one selection per line

  5. Click OK

  6. If the Project form is already open, close and reopen to reload the interface with the new drop-downs


Customizable Descriptions

The text on the Project, Phase and Task appointments on the Calendar can now be customized by entering an SQL expression

  1. Go to Settings-->Options-->All

  2. Edit the value for one of the following settings

    • Calendar_ProjectDescription - Reference any field in the Project

    • Calendar_PhaseDescription

    • Calendar_TaskDescription

Drag Unscheduled Projects/Phases onto Calendar

A new Project and Phase table has been added so you can drag items from the list onto the Calendar. A dropdown selector above the table lets the user select which Date should be populated when the item is dropped onto the Calendar. Items with blank dates can be seen in this list as well so it can be used a Queue of items not yet scheduled.

Sub-Tables for Products

Added the ability for users to copy-and-paste rows on the Labor and Material sub-tables when modifying a product built in the Products form.

Task Overview Filter

Added the ability to filter by Project Flags when creating/editing Task Filters (‘My Filters’ & ‘Global Filters’) on the Tasks form.


Added a GL Account field per Businesses for use when transferring A/P Invoices to external accounting applications like QuickBooks

Add a Rating field per business allowing you to set a rating between 1 and 5 starts on each business.

Queries Form

The Query form (Settings-->Query) has been refactored using more modern controls. Users now have additional controls available to apply grouping, sorts, and additional filtering. Learn more here

Time Off Request Notifications

You can now customize the recipients that are notified when an employee submits a time off request.

In Options/Notifications, there is a checkbox to Notify Supervisor which when enabled will include the immediate supervisor of the employee submitting the time off request.

In Options/Notifications/Events there is an event titled Time Off Request Submitted where you can add recipients other than the supervisor.

Mobile Folder Access Filter

If you grant users access to Project Folders in the mobile app permissions, you can also add a filter to only allow them to see specific sub folders inside those folders. Configure these filters at the bottom of the Mobile Permissions tab per user on the Employee form.

Manifest Reports

Folder/File Templates for Manifest Reports will now honor the Project and Phase fields from the linked Project/Phase. See this page for more info.


Flag filter on Capacity Calendar

When a Flag is set on Project, enabling this filter on the capacity calendar removes these Projects from the calendar, this is now fully functional

QuickBooks Desktop

Various issues that affected importing/exporting data to/from QuickBooks desktop have been fixed

Issue Types

Users can now delete an issue type. Functionality existed to add and rename issue types. However, the ability to delete was missing.


  • Task Variations added on a Phase Template were not populating

  • The ‘Match Trigger Assignment’ option on Task Definitions was not working

Timeclock App

On the Summary tab on the Timeclock app clicking on the Task cell did not allow you to select a new task

Version History


Initial Release


  • Added query to DB Update to fix issue with Descriptions on Estimates and Estimate Groups not loading

  • Added query to DB Update to fix Number Formats in Settings incorrectly populated with ‘N/A’


  • Added support for the ForcePortrait parameter for RDL reports to the new RDL report viewer

  • Fixed an issue where the Process Estimate form would not open if there were no records in the Project_Drawing_Type table

  • Removed a popup error that occurred when the Contract tab loaded and there was no project selected, which could occur if text was entered into the search that cleared the project list


  • Fixed an issue where the Material Markup overrides on an Estimate were not sticking

  • Added a right-click option to set the Waste value on multiple Material categories at once

  • Added spell-check to the Long Description editors for Estimates and Groups

  • Rearranged the upper portion of the Estimate layout so that the Long Description was always visible

  • Added code to refresh the current sub tab in estimating after the Options are manually modified

  • Added a button to edit the Estimate dashboard used on the Summary tab on an Estimate


  • When editing the Extended Price on PO Items and the ‘Auto Update Price from Vendor Pricing’ option is enabled, the price was repopulating

  • If a the record that was referenced by a filter on the Task tab in Projects was deleted, the filter was blank and not able to be cleared

  • Opening Task Detail from My Tasks Pane was not working

  • Clicking on an Issue Task was not jumping to the Issue


  • Dashboard app was loading the wrong dashboard in some scenarios

  • The generic Select From List window used in various places was not working correctly

  • Custom Filters on Phase Views were not working in all scenarios


  • Added right-click option to Products table in Estimates to 'Set Markup' for all selected rows

  • Updated API to version 2024-11-13 which updates PO status when receiving POs


  • Fixed an issue where closing the Process Estimate window while it's minimized causes it to load in a shrunken state

  • Revamped the Exchange Rate selection window for POs

  • Changed search behavior on Estimate list so the entire branch of items matching the filter is visible

  • Add a trigger to recalculate dates and tasks on Change Orders and linked Phases and Drawings after a Change Order status changes which updates the budget.

  • Updated API for mobile apps to fix a scenario when updating a PO Status when receiving PO from mobile

  • Fixed an error when reordering custom inclusions/exclusions using drag-n-drop

  • Modified behavior when adding custom inclusions/exclusions so they start at the top of the list instead of the bottom

  • Added code to clear column filters on Material Substitution when switching estimates


  • Fixed some issues where product formulas were not working correctly when referencing variables that had a null value on the record

This update is highly recommended if you are using Estimating and does require running a DB Update after installing


  • Added columns to Estimate Products table 'HasCustomLabor' and 'HasCustomMaterial'

  • Added a wrench indicator to the Product field on the Products table on an estimate that changes yellow to indicate a Product has linked custom labor or material records

  • Added ability to customize a product on an estimate by double-clicking the cell in the Product column which displays the Product Name

  • Modified the Phase Percent Received values to round down instead of nearest so that it won't show 100% even if it's 99.99%. Modified the Phase flyout panel on the Calendar/Boards so the Percent Received calculates the same way as the other Phase tables

  • Modified the Grid view for the Product library on an Estimate so it auto expands row groups and saves its layout for the next load