Release notes: 2019

Release notes: 2019

Release: December 18, 2019

  • Fix: Change Order Auto Calculate – Fixed an issue with the Change Order amount not calculating correctly.

  • Fix: Fixed an issue with extreme load time adding new Tasks.

Release: December 17, 2019

  • Fix: Task Date Calculation – Fixed an issue with Tasks dates not calculating that appeared in December 11, 2019 release.

  • Create Drawings per Element(s) – Adding drawings this way now links the Budget Records that the Element is linked to directly to the Drawing. Fixed issue where it was creating a Drawing for All Elements for the Project instead of only the selected ones.

  • Link Drawings to ‘New’ Phases – A new option on the Drawings menu for Link to > New Phase. Highlight one or more Drawings and then use this option to create a new Phase. If multiple Drawings are selected you will be prompted to decide if you want a single Phase linked to all selected Drawings, or separate Phases for each selected Drawing.

  • Change Order Auto Calculate – When modifying the Budget records on the Change Order detail form, the auto calculation now honors the new Markups.

  • Change Order, Set Default Markup State – By default, new Budget records on Change Orders have the Markup columns unchecked. You can choose a default state (checked/unchecked) by default per Part Category for Material/Purchase records and by Department for Labor records. Highlight one or more Markup cells in one of the Budget tables and right-click and select ‘Set Default Markup State’ and it will save the current state of the selected Markups for the Department/Category in the selected row. The next time a row is added for that Category/Department it will be checked/unchecked to match the saved record.

Release: December 15, 2019

  • Create Drawings per Element(s) – Added a new right-click option to the Drawings tab of the Project form to add a new Drawing for each of the Project Elements selected.

  • Org Chart Form – Fixed bug when saving to Image when scroll bars are needed. Added a Select All and Unselect All right-click options.

Release: December 14, 2019

  • Net Worth Calculator – Added a Net Worth calculator form where you can store a record by date and enter in your WIP, Assets and Liability to calculate Net Worth.

  • Employee Permissions – Added new permissions for accessing the Net Worth form and the Organization Chart form.

Release: December 13, 2019

  • Org Chart Form – Added saving and loading controls to the Freeform option. Added drag selection methods, drag Left mouse button to select, hold Shift to deselect, drag Right mouse button to delete items. Dragging from left to right, the drag window needs to fully encompass an item to select/remove it, dragging from right to left, the drag window needs only to touch an item to select/remove it.

  • New View: v_ProjectInvoices – Added a new view for quickly querying Project Invoices.

  • Crowsnest URL option for Invoice – Added a new option for the crowsnest custom protocol handler to jump to an Invoice on the Project form.

  • Report URL rerun – Added a URL handler for rerunning a report with parameter overrides. Use an Action of Goto URL and use “rerun:” followed by key value pairs any new parameter values. For example, if you have a parameter named “StartDate” and it’s used to display a calendar for the selected month, you can add an image or text to click to run the “Next” or “Previous” month. The URL would be rerun:@StartDate=’2019-01-01’. Dates should be enclosed in single quotes and follow the universal format “yyyy-MM-dd” or “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm”. Text values should also be enclosed in quotes. Parameter names should include the @ prefix.

  • Change Order Markups – Added the columns for the multiple Markups for Change Order line items. The auto-calculation of the amount honoring these markups is not finished yet.

Release: December 11, 2019

  • Org Chart Form – Added new controls to the Freeform option.

  • Fix: Error Adding Tasks – On some systems, adding new Tasks was taking too long and the server timed out before the Dates could be calculated. Optimized the query to run faster for new Tasks.

  • Fix: RFI Journal Tab on New RFIs – If you selected the Journal tab on a new RFI that had not been saved, it would load the entire Journal table for all projects which could take a very long time.

Release: December 5, 2019

  • Import Budget from Estimate to Change Order – Right-click on the Labor or Material Budget list and import the Budget records from an Estimate on the current Project.

  • Change Order Material Budget Detail – Added the columns for Part/Color1/Color2/Modifier to the Material Budget on Change Orders.

  • Change Order Markups – Added a new Markup systems for Change Orders. Up to 5 Markups can be defined Globally that will apply to the Budget records to calculate the total amount. The Value of each Markup can be changed per Project. The description of the Markup and the IsCompounded setting are Global. You can define the Markup values on the Markups tab on the Change Orders tab. This is not completed yet. In a future version, the line items in the Change Order budget will have checkboxes for each Markup to control which items each Markup affects. Also planning to have a default setting per Markup in combination with Labor/Department and Material/Category so that the checkboxes on the budget items can be created with a default value for each Markup.

  • RFQ Sent and Need By Dates – Added dates for RFQs for Sent and Need By. Also added Default Days Allowed similar to RFIs.

  • RFQ/RFI Need By Date Refresh – If you change the Sent Date for an RFI or RFQ and the following criteria is met, it will update the Need By date. Default Days Allowed must be greater than zero and the current Need By date is either blank, prior to Today’s date, or prior to the new Sent Date.

  • Fix: Phase Detail Form Error Adding Departments – When adding a single records to the Budget in the Phase Detail form, an error occurred.

Release: December 3, 2019

  • ProjectID tag on Phase Import – On the Phase Import, if you use the tag in the query for an ODBC query, it will be replaced with the current Project ID.

  • Fix: Email Service Interface – A bug caused the ‘Use as Sender’ option to always be greyed out.

  • Fix: Auto Login to Disabled Account – If you had Auto-Login selected and the account was disabled by the Can Login permission, the Login would fail and you could not change logins.

  • Organization Form – A few new options have been added to the freeform method.

Release: November 24, 2019

  • RFQ – Added Modifier field to RFQ Items and added new transfer from RFQ Items to MR. Right-click a Quote and you can transfer the individual line items from the RFQ to an existing or new MR.

  • Employee Title – A new field for Employees to enter a Title

  • Organization form – A new form has been added under the Data menu titled Organization. This form shows employee organization for your company using Employee Tiles. Choose to view by Supervisor, Department, Project Role, or draw a freeform Organizational Chart. NOTE: The freeform option is still under construction and is not fully functional, you can add Employee Tiles and Departments. Employee Tiles show the Employee’s full name and title, their picture, a clock icon indicating they’re currently clocked in and a number showing how many anniversaries there has been since their hire date. Border around employee picture will be Blue for Hidden employees and Red for Terminated employees.

  • Employees tab on Project form – New Employees tab on the Project form shows an Employee Tile view of all Project Roles and any employee who logged labor hours on the Project.

  • Include PO Sales Tax on General Summary – A new option has been added to include PO Sales Tax on the Project balance summary on the General tab of the Project form. To turn this on, open Settings > Options > All and search for the setting named ‘ProjectSummaryIncludeTax’ then change the Value to True.

  • New Links between Project child objects – Added new links between RFQ and Phase, RFQ and Change Order, RFI and Change Order, Drawing and Change Order.

  • Email from Floating Report – When reports open in a floating report window, there is a new button on the toolbar to Email the report to a Contact or Employee.

  • Drawing Task Date Bug – Fixed a bug where the Due Date formula for Drawing Tasks was not calculating correctly.

Release: Previous Release

  • Alerts – There is a new item under Settings titled Alerts. Alerts let you configure an email Alert to be sent on a scheduled. You can use an SQL query and use the results to determine if the Alert should be sent. You can also include the results of the query results. Results can include custom HTML formatting or it will be formatted as an HTML table with some basic formatting. The name of the Alert will be used as the Subject of the email and you can write the Body of the email using HTML. Optionally you can have it export an existing Report to PDF, Excel (.xlsx) or Word (.docx) and attach it to the email. The emails are sent using the Crows Nest Email Service which needs to be updated and configured.

  • New Mobile Timeclock Permission – A new permission has been added to the Mobile permission list on the Employee form to allow clocking in without a Task. You can uncheck this permission to prevent users from clocking in on the mobile app unless they use the Clock Into Task method. An update the API is required after this permission has been added.

  • Prevailing Wage Rates and Work Classification – On the Project Cost form, on the Budget tab and Labor Rates sub tab, there are new columns to set a Prevailing Wage rate and Work Classification. The Prevailing Wage rate can be set per Category, Department or Operation and only applies to the current Project. The Work Classification can be set per Department and Operation and applies to all Projects. These fields can be used to automatically generate certified payroll reports and more accurately report job cost on projects with a prevailing wage.

  • Project & Phase Status Details – On the Select Status popup for Project and Phase Status there is a new button to show detail columns. Current columns include Timeclock and Mobile to set which items show up on the Timeclock and Mobile app. The Timeclock settings will also affect the Timeclock portion of the Mobile app.

  • Project Cost Import as Adjustment – A new checkbox has been added to the bottom of the import labor and material windows on the Project Cost form titled ‘Import as Adjustments’ so you can import records for change orders that modify the budget instead of manually adding them.

  • Project Invoice Tab – The Invoice tab on the Project form has been revamped to be more consistent with other project sub tabs. It has a sub tab-view with tabs for Notes, Links, Folder, etc. The list has a right-click option to Show/Hide columns and you can rearrange columns by clicking a column header once to select and then click and drag to move it’s location.

  • PO Status for Mobile – A new option has been added in Options for selecting the default PO Status for POs generated from the mobile app. If this is blank the Default PO Status will be used.

  • Import Customers from Quickbooks – On the Quickbooks export Purchase Order form a new right-click option has been added to Import Customers. This works like Import Vendors and will generate a Business in Crows Nest from a Customer in Quickbooks.

  • New Project & Spec Permissions – New employee permissions have been added to allow/deny users to change the Project ID, Description and Status. Permissions have also been added to prevent modifying Specs.

  • Global Formula Functions – An area has been added to Settings > Options to define Functions that will be available to all VBScript formulas.

  • Estimate ‘Cost Add’ Category – A new option has been added to Settings > Options > Estimates titled Category for ‘Cost Add’. The selected category will be used when Processing the estimate and creating a Budget entry for the Cost Add. If none is selected a new Category named Cost Add will be added automatically.

  • Business Addresses – You can add more addresses per business now. The Main address will still be in the header of the Business form and on the Contacts tab there is a new folder named ‘Other Address’ where you can add any other addresses.

  • New Task Types – New Task types have been added for RFI, RFQ, Transmittal, Invoice and Employee. New filters have been added to the Task tab on the Project form to show/hide the different task types including one for Project tasks.

  • Add Multiple Task Types from Task List – You can now add Tasks by right-clicking and selecting Add Task from the Task Overview and the My Task pane and My Task window. You will be prompted for a Task Type then the Task parent. On the Task tab of the Project form you can add Tasks for children of the current Project instead of just adding a Project task.

  • Phase Status – A new column named Status has been added to Phases. You can set a default Status for new Phases and can also set a Status on a Phase Template to override the default per Template. Similar to Project tasks, you can configure a Phase task to change the status of a Phase when completed. You can also drag-n-drop tasks on the Chain-of-Events tab of the Task Definition form to a Phase Status to trigger specific Tasks on a Status change.

  • Phase Specs – A new tab for Phases has been added for Specs. This will display the Project Specs but any Specs edited here will Override the Project spec and show up in a different color. A new canned report has been included named ‘CN_PHASE_Specs’

  • Timeclock Overview Progress – The Overview tab on the Timeclock form now includes the selected Task and also shows Budget Hours, Actual Hours and a Progress Meter showing % of budget used. The Actual Hours will include logged hours as well as current hours for employees still clocked in. For example if an employee is currently clocked in and clocked in 5 hours ago, those 5 hours would be included in the actual. The Actual Hours are static but clicking Refresh will update them.

  • Timeclock Overview Employee Not Clocked In – A new option has been added to the Overview to include employee who are not clocked in. Seeing employees who are not clocked in can help determine if employees did not show up for work.

  • Timeclock Hours and Minutes – A new option has been added under Settings > Options > Timeclock titled ‘Show Hours:Minutes’. When this is checked the Timeclock rows on the Timeclock form and the Timeclock app will show Hours:Minutes instead of decimal hours. Other areas where labor totals are shown decimal hours will still be used. Two new computed columns have been added to the Employee_Labor table that contain formatted values for hours:minutes.

  • Timeclock Folder – A new button has been added to the Timeclock on the toolbar titled “Files”. When clicked the user can select a Project and it will open the Project Folder in a Windows File Explorer. Under Settings > Options > Folders you can right-click a sub folder of either Project Folder 1 or 2 and Set as Default Location for Timeclock. If this folder is set, then the Files button will open directly to this folder. You can use Windows security to control access to Project Folders 1 & 2 separately so you can grant access to files from a Timeclock station without giving full access to all files.

  • Product Takeoff Properties – A default Qty column has been added to the Product table for setting a default qty when a Product is added to a Group. Right-click options have been added to the Product list to Add/Remove Dimming from the Qty, Height, Width, Depth, Length and Weight cells so you can indicate which cells shouldn’t be used when using the Product. Right-click options have been added to the Product list for setting a Starting Field. When adding the Product to a Group this is the field the cursor will start in. You can set the Height, Width, Depth or Length fields. If none are set, Qty is the default. Multiple cells can be selected when setting Dimming or Starting Fields.

  • Copy to MR – New right-click options have been added to the RFQ Quotes, Parts and Samples to copy them to an existing or a new MR.

  • MR to PO Item Order – An option was added to maintain the order of the items as they were entered when transferring MR items to a PO from the MR Queue. The option is under Settings > Options > Purchasing and is titled ‘Maintain Sort Order when transferring MR items to PO’.

  • Task Trigger Method – When setting Task Trigger on the Task Definition form you can decide if a Task should be triggered when the current Task is Completed, marked as NA or either one. Right-click the tasks in the list of triggered Tasks on the Tasks tab to select the method. Under Settings > Options > Tasks there is a new setting to set the Default value for this method when adding new Task Triggers.

  • Phase Markers on Task Filters – Phase Markers have been added to the displayable column list for Task Filters so you can display the value of a Phase Marker on the Task Overview form and the My Tasks pane.

  • Clock Into Project Button – A button has been added at the top of the Project form to quickly clock into the current Project.

  • Drag-n-Drop Report Importing – On the Custom Reports form instead of right-clicking and using ‘Batch Add/Import’ you can simply drag the reports you want to import onto the Reports list.

  • Task Timeline Link is Clickable – When viewing the Timeline on the Task Overview form, the Link column is clickable to jump to the Parent of the task.

  • Business Reports – A new tab for Reports has been added to the Business form. The ID of the currently selected Business will be passed to the report in a hidden integer parameter named @BusinessID. Reports starting with “CN_BUSINESS_” will appear in the report list.

  • Contact Reports – A new tab for Reports has been added to the Contact form. The ID of the currently selected Contact will be passed to the report in a hidden integer parameter named @ContactID. Reports starting with “CN_CONTACT_” will appear in the report list.

  • Employee Reports – A new tab for Reports has been added to the Employee form. The ID of the currently selected Employee will be passed to the report in a hidden integer parameter named @EmployeeID. Reports starting with “CN_EMPLOYEE_” will appear in the report list.

  • Timeclock Reports - A new tab for Reports has been added to the Timeclock form. The ID of the currently selected Employee will be passed to the report in a hidden integer parameter named @EmployeeID. Reports starting with “CN_TIMECLOCK_” will appear in the report list.

  • PO Search Tab Reports – Reports can be processed from the Search tab on the PO form. The prefix for report names to appear in this area is “CN_POITEM_”. You can use 3 separate Hidden parameters to pass info to the report. A parameter named “POItemID” will contain the PO Item ID for the currently selected row in the search results. A parameter named “SelectedPOItemIDs” will contain a comma delimited string of IDs for all the selected rows in the search results. A parameter named “AllPOItemIDs” will contain a comma delimited string of IDs for all of the rows in the search results.

  • Sample Reports – For all of the new report types, samples have been included and can be imported from the Report subfolder of the folder where the CN client is installed.

  • Zero Qty Estimate Groups – Groups on Estimate now allow a qty of zero to zero out the pricing for that group and any other groups lower on the branch.

  • Bluebeam Import Improvements – 6 new columns are recognized when importing XML from Bluebeam. Add custom columns named ProductHeight, ProductWidth, ProductDepth, ProductLength, ProductWeight and ProductQty. If a numeric value is found it will populate the corresponding dimension on the product. In the Product Library, a new column has been added titled Import Qty. Use this field to determine which field on the product will receive the “Qty” during import. For example if “Width” is selected, during import, the Qty column imported will be populated into the Width dimension instead of the Qty and the Qty column for the product will be changed to 1. If a value is found in the CustomQty column, it will override the Qty field on the product.

  • Bluebeam Import Options – Creating Groups for the Document and Page are now optional and there are checkboxes on the import form to toggle these on and off. The Page option can only be turned on if the Document option is also turned on. If both of these options are turned off and there are products imported that do not have a value entered for the Group, a group named “New Group” will be created.

  • My Tasks is Sortable – The task view in the My Tasks area at the bottom of the Home form lost the capability to be sorted by clicking column headers when support was added for switching between Task filters. The column sorting has been turned back on.

  • Spec Builder Tool –A new Spec Building tool has been added to the Project and Estimate forms. Select the Spec Tab and fill in values from customizable global specs. Right-click to add a new Spec with one of the following types: Header (no value entry), Text, Multiple-Choice, Yes/No, Part or Color. When adding an item it will be a sub-item of the currently selected item. To add new root level items, right-click in a blank space in the spec table but outside of all cells before clicking Add. If a value has been selected on the current Spec it will change to a bold blue font. An example report for printing out the spec has been included and can be imported from the installation directory. The reports are named ‘CN_PROJECT_Spec.rdl’ and ‘CN_ESTIMATE_Spec.rdl’.

  • PO Export to Quickbooks Option – A new option titled “Include only Received Items”. When this is checked, the Received Qty will be used instead of the Ordered Qty. Items that have a zero received qty will not be exported.

  • PO Export to Quickbooks Improvement – When exporting a PO that has already been exported, the line items on the PO were being removed and replaced which was breaking links to existing transactions such as Bills and Receipts. Now the Transaction ID is stored per PO Line Item in CN and the items are updated in QB instead of replaced which leaves the links to other transactions in place.

  • Part List Pkg Qty – A “Pkg” qty column has been added for calculating the Qty to order when using the “Bring to Max” button. If an item has to be ordered in multiples of 5, enter in 5 in the “Pkg” column.

  • Estimate, Hidden Products – A new checkbox has been added to each Product in the Product Library titled “Hidden”. If this is checked, the Product will not show up in the Product Library when doing a Takeoff. It will not hide existing lines on an Estimate where the Product has been used.

  • New MR Queue Options – ‘Goto MR’ and ‘Adjust Inventory’ have been added to the right-click menu on the MR Queue of the PO Form.

  • Decimal Qty for PO/MR/PT – Added support for decimal qty up to 2 decimal places for PO Items, MR Items, Pick Ticket Items and Inventory. To use decimal qty from the mobile app, the app and the API must be updated as well.

  • UDC Column Quantities – The amount of UDC columns available are now editable by the end user. A new tab has been added to Options titled ‘UDC Qty’. The values are stored in a new table named ‘_DBColQty’. When a database model is Updated it will read these values and add/remove columns as needed. If a quantity is reduced, it will remove columns and cannot be undone. Columns will be retained in numerical order. For example, if a qty is set to 3 and the named columns are Date1, Date2 and Date 3, then the qty is reduced to 2, columns Date1 & Date2 will be retained and column Date3 will be deleted from the database.

  • Mobile Employee Permissions – A new tab has been added to the Permissions tab of the Employee form titled ‘Mobile’ which contains permissions affecting use of the mobile app. Updating the Mobile Web API is necessary for these permissions to take affect.

  • Employee Labor Editing Permissions – Two new permissions are added for editing employee labor records. One lets an employee edit their own time and another lets an employee edit the time of employees of other employees that they are the supervisor of. The supervisor permission applies to any employee in the hierarchy, so this permission allows editing of all supervisees and their supervisees, etc.

  • Employee Clock Out URL – A new field has been added to employees titled ‘Clock Out URL’. When a user clocks out, it will open this URL. The URL could be used to open an external questionnaire or run a script. The URL will be opened by Windows so it can be any path that the OS recognizes.

  • 3 of 9 Barcode Font included – The barcode font used in the sample reports is included during the installation process so you don’t have to install it manually.

  • To-Do List added to Quickview – A new To-Do List tool has been added to the Quickview menu. This tool is intended as a quick and easy tool for individual desktop users to keep a running list of items with notes that they need to get done. Add items on the left hand side including a Title, Date Created and Priority. Then highlight any item and type in notes on the right-hand side. All notes are saved automatically. This is a great tool for those who are using other methods for the same thing such as Notepad, Sticky Notes, or a spreadsheet.

  • Quickbooks Timeclock includes Service Items – Support has been added for mapping labor Departments and Operations to Service Items in Quickbooks so when time records are transferred to QB it will fill out the Service Item. To map Departments and Operations to QB Service Items, see the Quickbooks tab under Settings > Options. Before mapping, run any export to QB so it will populate the list of available Service Items.

  • Stored Materials on Invoices – When using the Stored Materials value on the SOV, it will transfer to the amount to the Invoice Item record and reset the value to zero on the SOV. If you have any reports reading from the SOV they should be redirected to the Project_Values_Invoice.StoredMaterialValue field.

  • Inventory Transaction Running Total – A Running total column has been added to the Inventory Transaction list. You can right-click the Transaction list to turn it on/off. If you’re running SQL Server version prior to 2012 you will get an error and will need to turn it off. If that is the case you will need to upgrade your SQL Server to 2012 or newer to use this column.

  • Transmittal Changes – The Transmittal list has been modified to include the Created and Sent Date in the list so you can see this easily without having to select each Transmittal.

  • Activity Timeline Changes – We are doing an overhaul of the Activity Timeline that is partially done. They system of suppressing Phases from the list below is going away and the bottom half of the form will only show existing Activities on Projects or Phases that are not marked as Complete. We are working on automating the creation of the Activities based on added Quantities or Budget Hours.

  • PO Summary Tab – New options have been added to the Summary tab on the PO form. Options to load the summary ‘by Status’, ‘by Vendor’ and ‘by Project’ have been added, as well as a search box for searching through the Summary list and the Summary Detail list to the right.

  • PO Modifications Logged in History – New entries will be added to the History any time items are edited/added/deleted. For editing and adding items, it will only add one per day per employee. For deleting, it will add an entry any time somebody deletes items and indicate the qty of items deleted.

  • MR/PT Import Merge – A new checkbox option has been added to the MR/PT Import window titled “Merge items during import”. If this box is checked the qty will be increased on existing items that match the import rather than adding a separate new line item.

  • SSL License Server Connection – Connections to the license server are now using an encrypted SSL connection.

  • PO Needed Date to ETA – A new options has been added under Settings\Options\Purchasing titled “Prompt User to fill in ETA when setting Needed Date for PO”. When this option is checked, and a Date Needed is selected on the Header of a PO, it will offer to have that date copied to the ETA for all line items on the PO.

  • Duplicate PO Numbers Blocked – If manually inserting or changing a PO Number, it will not let you use a PO Number that is already in use.

  • Goto PO added to Custom Protocol handler – A new method has been added to the crowsnest: custom protocol handler to go to a PO. The format is crowsnest:poXXX. The XXX can be replaced by either the database ID (PO.ID) or the displayed ID (PO.StringID). When looking up the PO it will first check for a match using the displayed ID, and if none is found it will check for a match using the database ID.

  • Business Purchase Order Report – A new canned report named ‘CN_BUSINESS_Purchase Orders.rdl’ has been added. This report can be run on the Business form and will show a list of all Purchase Orders for the current business grouped by Status. You can click the ID on the report which uses the crowsnest: protocol handler to jump to the PO.

  • Samples and Transmittals added to Protocol handler – Methods have been added to the crowsnest: custom protocol handler to go to a Transmittal, Transmittal Item or Sample. The formats are crowsnest:transmittalXXX, crowsnest:transmittalitemXXX and crowsnest:sampleXXX. The XXX should be replaced by the database ID of the item (Transmittal.ID, Transmittal_Item.ID or Project_Sample.ID)

  • Email Service Use Credentials as Sender – A new checkbox has been added to the Email Service interface titled ‘Use as sender’. If this is checked then the username provided will be used as the ‘From’ address on the email. This should allow you to send through an SMTP server using a single email account instead of using a relay. When this is checked, the Sender (the person triggering the notification) will be included as the ‘Reply To’ field on the email.

  • Change Order Journal – Added Journal logging for Change Orders when the Change Order was modified directly from the Change Order log.

  • Color Coding Tasks on Timeline – The line that indicates the span of time in the Timeline view on the Task Overview form is now customizable. On the Task Definition form there is a Timeline Appearance setting. Right-click the sample line and modify the Text, Fill, Pattern and Border color. Just below the sample line is a checkbox titled ‘Pattern’. Check this box and then use the numeric up/down setting next to it to select from the available patterns. To see the Pattern you will first need to select a Fill and Pattern color.

  • Mobile App Scanning – Scanning barcodes to select an Action and Container have been added. To select an Action, scan a barcode starting with “A” followed by the Action Number. Example *A1*. To select a Container, scan a barcode starting with “C” followed by the ID of the Container. Example *C123*. To use scanning to select a Container an update to the API must be installed. The feedback when a barcode is scanned has been modified. When errors are displayed the vibration time is increased and the scan result message will have a red background.

  • Add Parts/Colors from Samples – To speed up entering samples, you can add Parts and Colors directly from the Samples list. When adding items this way, they will be populated on the Parts/Colors lists for the Project respectively and then copied to the Samples tab.

  • Part/Color Links copied to Transmittal – When a Sample is copied to a Transmittal and it is linked to a Project Color or Part that is in also linked to a Part or Color, any Links associated with the Part or Color will be copied to the Links on the Transmittal and they will be automatically checked as attachments. This allows you to use the Links on Parts/Colors to store cut-sheets and have them automatically added to the Transmittal.

  • Business Roles – Added the ability to assign Roles to a Business. This works like assigning a Role to a Project. The list of Roles is customizable and lets you link and Employee to a Business. An example for using this would be to assign an Employee as a Rep for a Business.

  • Business Contact Key – When linking Businesses to Contacts on the Business form you can right-click a Contact and add/remove a Key from a customizable list. You can assign one Key per Contact/Business link. You can use this to designate what the Contacts Relationship is with the Business, such as ‘Rep’ or ‘President’. On the Contact form you can edit the same Key by right-clicking the Business.

  • Employee Type – A new field named Type has been added to the Employee form. Click the text in the field to select from a customizable list. This lets you categorize employee account by Type such as ‘W2 Hourly’, ‘Independent Contractor’, ‘External Account’, etc.

  • SOV ‘Done This Period’ – A new column has been added to the SOV titled ‘Done This Period’. This adds an alternative method for entering in progress billing amounts if you would rather enter in a monetary value for the current period instead of a percentage. Instead of modifying the % Done or Done column, you can enter in a value in the ‘Done This Period’ column and when you add the SOV item to an invoice it will update the % Done to include this amount and reset the value to zero for the next period.

  • Phase Template Values – You can configure SOV records on a Phase Template that will be automatically be added to the Project when the Phase Template is used to create a new Phase.

  • AutoCreate Sub Folders – For items that have a folder auto-created, you can now define subfolders to be created at the same time. Configure these under Settings > Options > Folders > Auto-Create Folders. There is an Edit link under a heading of Subfolders.

  • Part and Color Image Export/Resize – On the Part and Color forms there are new buttons up top for Exporting and Resizing the stored images in the database. You can use the filters to limit the shown items so only the shown items are considered for exporting or resizing.

  • Edit Labor Hours – When editing a timeclock entry, a new checkbox has been added titled ‘Calculate Overtime on Close’ that is checked by default. If you need to override the amount of overtime on a labor record you can uncheck this box and the OT and RT values will appear and can be manually changed and saved. NOTE: If another event triggers recalculation of overtime during the same week it will recalculate the manual changes.

  • Task Predecessors – Task Predecessors have been added which can be used to calculate a date on a task directly from another task. The Predecessor applies to the calculation order, not necessarily the chronological order. You can define a Task Predecessor in the Task Definition and you can also define customer Predecessors on the Phase Template per template. When writing the formula for a Task date you will see new Origin date options for Predecessor Created, Completed, Start and Due Dates.

  • Task Number Field – A New field has been added to the Task Definition for a Number. This field is alphanumeric and will be prepended to the Task Description wherever the Task is displayed. This allows you to use an alphanumeric numbering system for your tasks and store them in a separate field allowing more characters to be used for the full description of the Task.

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