Release notes: 2012
Release: October 4, 2012
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Phase Dates Added – There are now 15 Phase dates available.
Machine License – A Machine License is now available. You can use a seat permanently by clicking the “Register Machine License” button on the Login form. It is located below the connection settings.
Release: August 10, 2012
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes – When an email description was left blank, the first letter of an email address was dropped when using the Send Email and Send Email (Outlook) links.
MR Import to Modifier Field – On ODBC Import queries, name one of the columns “CNModifier” and the retrieved data will be automatically entered into the Modifier column. This will override the Modifier column for any memorized imports.
Release: July 16, 2012
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes – The New Employee is selected when adding a new employee. The Change Order filter could sometimes cause a string of errors. Right-clicking certain file types on the Project/Documents tab threw an error. The shortcut menu to add a New Email Group was not working.
Add Business on the Select a Business Popup – You can now right-click the list of businesses on the “Select a Business” popup window and add a new business.
Filter by Label on Select a Business Popup – You can now filter the list of businesses on the “Select a Business” popup window by selecting a Business Label. Right-click the filter to return it to an unfiltered state.
Project Materials Ordered Void Filter – Voided PO Items will no longer show up on the Materials Ordered list on the Project Form.
Release: June 7, 2012
Quickbooks Timeclock Transfer Form – This new form can be opened under the Accounting drop down menu. You can organize employees into Payroll Groups and also define & assign Auto-Lunch Periods. Use this form to export timeclock data to Quickbooks for payroll. A free component from Quickbooks will need to be installed for the exporting functions to work and you must also own a copy of Quickbooks.
Task Overview Tree – The Task Filters on the Task Overview form are now organized in a Tree structure. You can drag and drop filters onto other filters to organize them in a hierarchical manner.
Email Notification by Project Role – When adding email address to notifications on the Options Form under the Notification Tab, you can add employees by Project Role.
File Label ‘All’ View – When viewing labeled files on the Documents tab of the Project form, you can now select ‘—All—‘ to view all labeled files on a project no matter which label they have.
Task Trigger Buttons Renamed – Buttons on this form have been renamed to OK & Cancel to avoid confusion and accidental cancelling of Triggered Tasks. Clicking the Cancel button will cancel any triggered tasks but it will not cancel the action that caused the trigger.
Project Cost Form – A rudimentary Project Cost form has been added. Enter your budget numbers on this form for Labor, Material and Install and see how much of your budget has been used to date. Use a Labor Category named “Install” to segregate Install labor from other labor.