Release: January 16th, 2022

Release: January 16th, 2022

  File Modified

File CrowsNestSetup.msi 2022-01-16

Jan 18, 2022 by Paul Hitchcock


  • Employee Schedules - Added an Employees tab to the Schedules window to manage linking employees to schedules

  • Part Sub Categories - Modified the Part Sub Categories so that they are children of Categories

  • Estimate Group Folders - Added a setting titled 'CreateSubFolder_Auto_EstimateGroup'. When this setting is set to True then each time a Group is added to an estimate and the Estimate is linked to an existing folder, a subfolder will be created for the Group in the Estimate folder.

  • Calendar Project Filter - Added a Filter by Project on the Calendar form to view one Project at a time

  • PO Item Price Indicator - PO Items display an icon indicating that the price of the item is higher or lower than the same most recent PO item with the same Part/Color1/Color2. Hovering over the price will display a tool tip showing a reference for the PO Item it’s comparing to.


  • When updating from versions prior to the addition of the QC_Category table, an error was thrown during database update and the update had to be run a second time to complete.

  • In some scenarios, when updating from older versions some orphaned records on the Project_Estimate_Product table were causing an error during a database update.

  • In some scenarios, edited values on the product list on an estimate were not saving if multi-column sorting was on and the new value caused the rows to be resorted.

  • When clicking on Links on Projects to open a folder or some file types an error was popping up after the item was opened

  • In some scenarios, when adding a new RFI and no Body was added an error occurred

  • In some scenarios, when a Task was deleted that was linked as the predecessor to another task, those tasks would not show a Task tree

  • In some scenarios, using the DueOrComplete option in a date formula from the predecessor was not calculating properly

  • Changing the Qty on an estimate line item was not triggering a formula recalculation to formulas referencing the product qty were not updating

  • On the estimate line items in the interface, the extended with tax amount was using the project tax rate and ignoring the tax rate override set on the estimate

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