Project Milestone Dates

Project Milestone Dates

Crows Nest helps you keep track of your project milestone dates to avoid missed deadlines. You can create milestone dates with custom names that can be manually entered or automatically set when specific tasks are completed. Milestone dates can also be auto-calculated based on other dates. The default milestone formulas for auto-calculation are set globally but can be customized for individual projects as needed.

Project Dates

To create new project dates go to:
Settings → Options → Projects

If the Formula value is set to manual entry than it will be empty on projects until a user manually sets a date for it.


Any Date field that has a Description other than N/A will show on the General tab of the Project form.


Every Crows Nest project will have a Created date field which will be populated with the date the project was added to Crows Nest and the name of the employee who added the project.

Project Dates can be altered on a specific project by right-clicking a project date.

Set Date is used to manually set a date for a project. Set Formula works the same way as Set Date, only the user designates a formula rather than choosing a specific date.
If a date that is configured to be set by a default formula is set using the Set Date or the Set Formula features, than it will show as a manual override. This override can be removed by clicking Clear Override. This will cause the date to be set by it’s original formula. Use Note to add a custom note that will appear next to the Date. The Disable/Enable feature allows you to turn on/off dates on each specific project. By default date fields are enabled on each project. Project Date Font Colors can be customized. A unique color for filled dates or empty dates can be set. These are set with the Set Font Color for Filled Dates and the Set Font Color for Empty Dates respectfully. Reset Font Colors will change the dates colors back to the default black.

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