Release: October 2nd, 2021

Release: October 2nd, 2021

  File Modified

File CrowsNestSetup.msi 2021-10-02

Oct 04, 2021 by Paul Hitchcock


  • Manifest Links - Added a Links tab to Manifests and rearranged the Manifest header

  • Timeclock Break Rounding - Added two new rounding settings to Schedules for the Start and End of Breaks.

  • Timeclock Task Notes - Added a database function ‘dbo.udf_TimeclockTaskNotes’ to control what is displayed to the user on the timeclock when they click on the Notes icon on a task row.

  • Timeclock Barcodes - Added scanning capability from the popup window that opens when an employee is first selected. With this a clock in workflow can be reduced to scanning two barcodes without additional keyboard or mouse input. For example, the employee can scan the barcode on their badge to select themselves, then when the window pops up the user can immediately scan a barcode for a Task, Project or Phase which will clock into that item and then start a countdown to automatically close the popup window. If a Project or Task barcode is scanned, the default Department and Operation for the user will be used. Added new barcode scan types that can be used from the popup window ('CMP', ‘MRK', and ‘QC’). See this article for more info.

  • Timeclock Gateway Mode - Added a new setting to the Timeclock app titled Gateway Mode. When this is turned on, the Timeclock app will only allow users to Clock In and Out but not make any selections. If a user is clocked in, they will be clocked out. If they are clocked out, they will be clocked in.

  • Allocate Pick Ticket Items - Added a right-click menu option to Pick Ticket items to Allocate Inventory for the current row.

  • Task Completion Prompts - Added prompts to Task Definitions so you can define questions to ask employees when they mark a task as Done. It will use their response and add it as a Note under the Task. You can optionally assign employees that should be included in the Notify list on the Note.

  • QR Codes - The Reporting.dll library has added support for printing QR Codes. See this page for more information. A sample report has been added to the canned reports titled ‘Samples~QRCode Test.rdl’

  • Phase Indicator Icons - The indicator icons that appear in the Description cell in the Phase Table can now be customized. A custom query can be written and stored in the Setting named ‘PhaseIndicatorQuery’ (see notes on the Setting). A table named ‘Indicator’ has been added to the database to store new indicators. If the table is empty, it will be populated with the current indicators for Late Tasks, Imminent Tasks, RFIs and Open RFIs. A new tab titled Indicator has been added in Options to customize the Indicators.

  • MR Queue - When processing items in MR Queue on the PO form, it will check to see if the items have not already been removed from the queue since the queue was last loaded on screen to avoid issues when multiple users are processing the queue at the exact same time.

  • QC Codes - Added a table for Quality Control codes for doing root cause analysis.

    • New Tables have been added, QC_Category, QC_Code and Task_QC

    • New tab has been added to the Task Detail window to apply QC codes to a task. Users can right-click to add new codes. Users with permission to edit Settings can also right-click to remove unused codes. Codes are displayed for the Department the Task is linked to. If there is no department then QC codes cannot be applied. To apply a code, check the Apply column for each code that applies. Optionally on applied notes you can also add a Note. Unchecking the Apply column will remove the Note.

  • Phase Templates - Added options to disable prompting for Priority and Shipment when adding new phases. Added support for using the UDC values in the formulas for Budget and Value.

  • Project Invoices - The following changes have been made to Project Invoices, mostly to aid in the transfer to Quickbooks.

    • Added a GLAccount field on Invoices. Added the following settings to control default values

      • ProjectInvoiceDefaultGLAccount - Set to an ID from the table dbo.Accounting_GLAccount

      • ProjectInvoiceDefaultGLAccountRetention - Default when using the shortcut link to create an invoice for released retention. Set to an ID from the table dbo.Accounting_GLAccount

    • Added ability to set a Tax Rate, GL Account and QB Item on invoice line items. Added the following settings in Options

      • ProjectInvoiceItem_DefaultAccount - Set to an ID from the table dbo.Accounting_GLAccount

      • ProjectInvoiceItem_DefaultQBItem - Set to an ID from the table dbo.Project_Invoice_Item_QBItem

      • ProjectInvoiceRetention_DefaultAccount - For Retention Items. Set to an ID from the table dbo.Accounting_GLAccount

      • ProjectInvoiceRetention_DefaultQBItem - For Retention Items. Set to an ID from the table dbo.Project_Invoice_Item_QBItem

    • Added ability to add separate Retention items to an invoice and new settings to control this. To create separate Released retention items that correspond with previous withheld retention items, change the following settings under ‘All’ in Options

      • ProjectInvoiceRetention_AutoDescription - Change to ‘False’

      • ProjectInvoiceRetention_ReleaseSeparate - Change to ‘True’

      • ProjectInvoiceRetention_ReleaseSeparate - Change if needed to change the default description. Available tags to put in the text that will be replaced: <InvoiceNumber>, <InvoiceDate>, <InvoiceDescription>

    • Added the following settings for the default description for retention items

      • ProjectInvoiceRetention_Desc - Default description for withheld retention items

      • ProjectInvoiceRetention_ReleaseDesc - Default description for released retention items (when not released separately using the shortcut link)

  • PO Item Ready - A new column has been added to PO Items to indicate the material is ready to be picked up or delivered. A setting has been added titled ‘Alias_POItemReadyToPickup’ to customize the column head text. The default header text is ‘Ready’.

  • Part Tax Rate - Added a Tax Rate column to the Part table to select a default Tax Rate which will copy over to PO Items when the Part is selected or new PO Items are added with the Part.

  • PO Warning, Receive Zero Price Items - A new setting has been added to warn or prevent a user from receiving a PO item if it has a zero price. In this update, the setting can be found on the All tab under Options and is titled ‘POWarning_ReceiveZeroPriceItems’

    • Allow receiving of PO items with a zero price. Blank = N/A, 1=Warn User, 2=Block User

  • PO and Inventory Filters - Added new filters on the PO and Inventory forms

    • PO - Filter by Bill To

    • PO - Added a new option titled ‘Apply Filter’ on the Summary tab. When this option is checked, the filters that affect PO navigation will also apply to the Summary tab.

    • PO\MR Queue - Filter by Project Flag and Label

    • Inventory\Receiving - Filter by Bill To

    • Inventory\Pick Ticket - Filter by Project Flag and Label

  • Calendar - Added a filter for Project Labels and Flags

  • ‘Select Project’ Window - Added a status filter to the Select a Project window that persists per user. The window size will also persist per user.

  • MR Approval by Role - The MR Approval Rules can be created for a Project Role in addition to specific employees.

  • Drag-n-drop Labor Structure- The Labor tab in Options now allows drag-n-drop functionality to reorganize Departments and Operations.

  • Project Filter by Flag - Add a filter by Flag option to the filters below the list of projects on the Project form

  • Project Summary Permission - Added a new employee permission which is off by default to control which users are allowed to view the Contract summary on the General tab of the Project form. The permission is on the ‘Access Forms’ sub tab and is titled ‘Project - Summary’

  • File/Folder Path Find & Replace - Added a Find & Replace area on the Folders tab in options for doing a mass find and replace on file and folder paths throughout the database. This can be used when migrating your folder structure to another location.

  • Import Phase - Added a right-click option to Delete rows while importing Phases

  • Business ‘DO NOT USE’ - Added a ‘DO NOT USE’ checkbox to Businesses to indicate a Business should not be used. If this is checked then the computed field ‘ScreenDescription’ will add a suffix of ' (DO NOT USE)' to the Business name where it’s displayed.

  • Email Templates - When right-clicking an email address or email group on the Contacts tab of the Project Form, a new option is added to send an Email Template. Use this to configure a template to fill in the body of an email. Right-click on the list of Templates to add/edit Templates. Tags can be inserted in the text of the Subject and Body that will be replaced. The tags use the format <TableName.FieldName> (Examples: <Project.ID>, <Contact.FirstName>). For custom numeric formatting of values, add a colon followed by a custom format string after the fieldname (Example: <Project.Date2:M/d/yy>). The three tables available are Project, Business and Contact. Some tables may not be available if there is no context, for example if you send an Email Template from the Business form when right-clicking a Business email, then the Project and Contact tables are not related and will not be populated. There is also a Query that can be stored to get related data. The Query can also contain tags referencing one of the available tables. After those tables are processed and the Query tags have been replaced the query will be ran and you can use tags to pull information from the query using <Query.FieldName> (Example: <Query.ProjectManager>

  • Estimate Import Takeoff - Added support for importing CSV files to a takeoff in addition to an XML file from Bluebeam. Two settings need to be configured to map the CSV columns to the import window. The settings are named ‘EstimateImport_CSV_IncludeHeader’ and 'EstimateImport_CSV_FieldSequence'.

  • Project Notes - The Notes tab on the Project form has been split into two sub tabs for Project Notes and Search All Notes instead of loading both at the same time. The loading process has also been optimized in an effort to reduce slow loading times in some environments.

  • Change Order Table - Added the UDC (User defined columns) to the Change Order view so you can see their values without editing the Change Order. Added a Show/Hide Columns function to the right-click menu so each employee can customize which columns are displayed. Column reordering has also been enabled.

  • Change Order, Add Revision - Added a new right-click option on the Change Order titled ‘Add Revision’. This will duplicate the currently selected Change Order but increase the Revision column by one. The dates and status will be reset on the new record.

  • Quickbooks Desktop Transfer - Transfers have been added to export PO Invoices (Bills), Project Invoices and Journal Entries.

  • Completed Projects and Phases - Added a new permission (titled ‘Can Edit Completed Project’) to prevent users from unchecking the Completed setting on a Project. Also added some blocks to prevent users from clocking into Completed Projects or adding new objects like Tasks and Invoices. Added a new setting for Project and Phase statuses so that when the Status is selected it will mark the parent item as Completed. To change this setting, open the Select a Status window for a Project or a Phase and click the button on the right to expand the form and display the ‘Completes’ column. When a Phase marked as done, it will automatically complete all child tasks and not allow new ones to be added.

  • Reports from Samples - Added a right-click menu option to Print on the Samples tab for the Project so you can print directly from selected samples. A new prefix pf “CN_SAMPLES_” is supported to populate these reports. See this article for more information.


  • In Estimating on the Product Customization window, on the Materials tab, if you edited a cell multiple times before leaving the row, it would only save the first edit.

  • Adding a PO Invoice for the same vendor with the same Invoice Number could cause issues exporting to another app. Added a message to prevent creating a PO Invoice when it violates this. It will not allow the user to proceed, however there is a new Setting titled 'POInvoiceDupeNum' which can be set to 1 to warn the user but allow them to proceed anyways.

  • Changing values on the Project Color table in some scenarios was not saved

  • Adding new invoices in some scenarios was rounding retention percentages to a whole percent

  • Opening Pricing History from the Parts List form was throwing an error that prevented the form from opening if color 1 or 2 was None.

  • Re-assigning a Role was not offering to Re-assign tasks since the May 19 update that allowed multiple Roles for default assignment at the Task Definition

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