Specifications (Specs)

Specifications (Specs)

Project specifications play a crucial role in both project management and manufacturing by serving as a comprehensive blueprint that outlines the requirements, constraints, and objectives of a given project. In project management, specifications provide a clear framework for planning, execution, and control, guiding teams through each phase of the project lifecycle. They establish a common understanding among stakeholders regarding the project's scope, deliverables, timelines, and quality standards. In manufacturing, specifications are essential for ensuring consistency and precision in the production process. They detail the technical requirements, materials, tolerances, and quality criteria necessary for manufacturing a product to meet its design intent. By adhering to well-defined specifications, project managers can effectively allocate resources, mitigate risks, and monitor progress, while manufacturers can enhance efficiency, maintain product consistency, and deliver high-quality outputs. Ultimately, project specifications act as a critical link between conceptualization and realization, providing a roadmap for successful project completion and manufacturing excellence.


The Spec Tree


The spec interface is comprised of a hierarchal Spec Tree that contains Spec Items of specific types. Users enter Spec Values for each Spec Item. There are two columns in the spec tree, Description and Value. The Description column shows the name of the spec item and an icon indicating the type. The Value column shows the currently entered value.

The images on each row to indicate the spec type can be toggled on and off by clicking on the Show Images button at the bottom of the spec tree

Values can be entered on each Estimate and Project independently. On each Estimate values can also be entered per each Estimate Group. Values entered on the Estimate will carry down to each Estimate Group unless overridden at the Estimate Group level. On each Project values can also be entered per each Phase.

There are two user permissions for specs, one to allow users to edit values and one to allow users to configure the spec tree

Spec Values

Until a value is input, it will show as <Not Specified>. A global default value can be set for any spec item instead. See Setting a Default Value

The text of each value changes to indicate if a value has been entered or inherited

  • Bold text indicates the value is entered at the shown level (i.e. Project, Phase, Estimate, Group)

  • Bold Italic text with a * prefix indicates the value is inherited from a Parent. Groups can inherit from its parent Estimate and Phases can inherit from its parent Project

  • Normal text with a ** prefix indicates a global default is inherited

  • Dimmed text indicates there is no global default and no value entered

Spec Item Types

Spec items can be any of the following types

  • Header - For organization of the spec tree only and does not allow user input

  • Text - Text input, either single line or multiline.

  • Multiple Choice - Select from a customizable list of choices. Multiple spec items can be configured to share a list of choices.

  • Yes/No - Toggle between Yes and No

  • Part - Pick from a list of Parts in the database.

  • Color - Pick from a list of Colors in the database.

  • Product Option - Pick from a list of Options that are part of the Estimating Product library.
    This input type can be used to control labor and materials on an Estimate.

Configuring the Spec Tree

Unlock the Spec Tree to enable Configuring

To configure the spec tree, unlock the view by clicking the button below the spec tree.

Click the button again to lock it and prevent unwanted changes to the spec tree.

While the view is unlocked, spec items can be added, configured, removed and rearranged.

Configure a Spec Item

Click on the in-cell drop down button to configure the Type and Description. The following list show additional options for specific types

  • Text - option for multiline text

  • Part - option to auto-filter the selection by Category or Subcategory

  • Product Option - option to force a selection from a specific Option Category

On the right side of the Description cell the following in-cell buttons are available

Insert Sibling - insert a new item on the same level as and directly below the current item

Add Child - append a new spec item to current item’s sub-items

Delete Item - delete the current item

Rearrange Spec Items

Click and drag items to rearrange them in the tree. While dragging an item, arrow indicators will be shown to indicate where the item will be after dropping. Hold Ctrl while dragging to copy items instead of moving them.

Pro Tip: you can hold Ctrl while dragging to duplicate an entire branch of the tree

Setting a Default Value

To set a global default value, highlight a cell in one or more rows, then right-click and use the ‘Set Default’ popup menu item to save the currently entered value as the global default. Once this is set, any Project/Estimate where a value has not been specified will show the default value.

Copying/Merging Spec Values

Spec values can be copied from a source to a destination. The source and destination can each be one of the four parent types Estimate, Group, Project or Phase.

To open the Spec Merge tool click the button at the bottom of the spec view

Select a Source and Destination and the tool will display the values of each and the New Values column will display what values will be copied over and changed on Destination after the Merge. Use the Skip column to indicate values that should be skipped during the merge process.

Click the Merge button to copy the values.




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