Dashboards can be loaded and edited on the Dashboard form. To open the dashboard form, click on the Dashboards button on the ribbon.
The dashboard form is split into two panes, the Dashboard Tree on the left and the Dashboard Viewer on the right.
The following permissions affect access to dashboards
Access Forms - Dashboard: allows the user to open the Dashboards form.
Can Edit Dashboards: allows the user to create/import/modify dashboards.
Users who have access to Edit Dashboards can use the dashboard viewer to view any data in the database. Only give this permission to trusted users. This permission is off by default.
When using the Dashboard editor, users who have the ‘Can Edit Queries’ permission enabled can write custom SQL queries, users that don’t can only use the visual query builder.
Dashboard Tree
The dashboard tree lists all of the currently loaded dashboards. Clicking on a dashboard will select it and the selected dashboard will be loaded in the dashboard viewer to the right.
Add to Favorites - use this on a dashboard to add it to your favorites list which will be displayed at the top of the tree
Add New - Open the dashboard designer and start creating new dashboard from scratch
Import - Import a dashboard saved to an XML file
Edit - Open the dashboard designer and load the selected dashboard
Rename - change the name of the dashboard
Pro Tip: Adding backslashes “\” in the dashboard name will organize them into folders in the tree. Example: Estimating\Bid Stats
Restrict Access - Select one or more employees that are allowed to view the dashboard.
Remove Access Restriction - Clear restrictions so the dashboard is viewable to all users that have access to dashboards
Canned dashboard files can be loaded from the Dashboards folder in the installation path
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Crows Nest\Dashboards
To request dashboard modifications or custom dashboards contact us via the Help Desk
Dashboard Viewer
The dashboard viewer displays the currently selected dashboard.
See this page for more information on the Dashboard Viewer
Dashboard Designer
See this page for more information on the Dashboard Designer
Get Started with Dashboards on YouTube
To save a dashboard from the designer to the current database, use the Save to DB button in the ribbon on the designer under Home-->File--Save to DB
When dashboards are loaded in Crows Nest, all Data Source created in the designer is replaced with a read-only connection to database that the user is currently connected to.
When the dashboard designer is opened from Crows Nest it will automatically add a Data Source to the loaded dashboard using a read-only connection to the database that the user is currently connected to.
If you start a blank dashboard once the designer is open, you will need to manually create a data source.