Email Service
The Crows Nest Email Service can be installed on on any Windows PC. There are two components installed. The first is a service that will show up in the Services list in Windows. The second is an app that is used to configure the service. The service should start automatically after installation should also be configured to restart after a reboot.
The service has two functions:
Send messages saved in the notification queue to an SMTP server
Generate messages in the notification queue for scheduled Alerts
The message queue is populated from two sources. Some messages are event based and are generated by user interaction with one of the Crows Nest apps. These are configured in the main desktop app under Options->Notification. Other messages are generated by the Email Service after configuring Alerts. Create and configure Alerts in the main desktop app under Settings->Alerts.
If the Email Service is stopped then messages for scheduled Alerts cannot be created until the service is running again. Any Alerts that should have occurred while the service was stopped will not occur.
Installing the Email Service
The Email Service is an optional feature in the same setup file used to install the other desktop apps. While installing Crows Nest, turn on the Email Service feature on the Custom Setup step (see pic)
If you have already installed Crows Nest and did not include this feature you can add it using the following steps:
Navigate: Windows Start Menu > Settings > Apps > Apps & features
Select Crows Nest > Modify
View Crows Nest Setup window > Setup Wizard > Next > Change
Click on Email Service icon > drop-down menu > select Will be installed on local hard drive
Click Next > Change to install
Configure the Email Service
After changing any settings on the configuration window Stop and Start the service for them to take affect.
To open the configuration window find and run Crows Nest Email Service in the Apps list of the Start Menu
Configuration options are explained below:
Option | Explanation |
SQL Server Settings | The Server address and Database name used to connect to a SQL Server instance and access a message queue. If you don’t know these you can match these settings from the Crows Nest DB Utility or from a Connection on the main desktop App |
Send Method |
Host | The network address of an SMTP server using a domain or IP address |
Port | The port number of the Host to connect to |
Username & Password | Credentials used to connect to the Host |
SSL | Enables Secure Socket Layer security, if supported by your email server. |
Use as Sender | Determines how the ‘From’ and ‘Reply To’ fields are populated on the email:
Start Service | Click to attempt to Start the Service |
Stop Service | Click to attempt to Stop the Service |
The Email Service will write status and error messages to the Event Log on the PC where it’s installed. To view the messages open the Event Viewer and find the log named Crows Nest under the Applications folder. Other Crows Nest apps also write to this log so look for Crows Nest Email as the Source to identify messages from this service.
If error occur while sending a message to an SMTP server they are also logged in the notification queue and the message will remain in the queue until the issue is addressed. While messages are stuck in the queue all users who log into the main desktop app will receive a popup message after logging in and every hour after until the messages are cleared.
For more information on clearing stuck messages see Messages Not Sent Error