Drag and Drop Outlook email not working

Drag and Drop Outlook email not working

Error message 1:

When dragging and attempting to drop an email from Outlook the following error messages appears:


The system call level is not correct

Unknown Form

Void ThrowWinIOError(Int32)

Or Error message 2:


Long file paths (>255 characters) in either the source (Outlook temporary location for emails to be transferred) or the destination (Crows Nest folder) will create this error


Drag the email ( .msg file) to a different location with a shorter file path and drag from there into Crows nest application and destination folder.


Error message 3:



Dragging and dropping from 64 bit Outlook version to Crows Nest, which is a 32 bit application will produce this error.


Drag the email ( .msg file) from Outlook to a temporary location/ folder in Windows Explorer or onto the Desktop and then drag and drop from here into Crows Nest Application and destination folder.


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