
An Issue is a child object of a Project. An Issue is intended as a quick way for an employee to report an issue via the mobile app and track progress of the issues.

Issue Fields

The following is al list of fields for Issue records

  1. Type - Used to segregate types into groups.

  2. Status - Used to track the current state of an issue.
    To modify the list of types and statuses, right-click on the type/status selection popup window

  3. Number - Auto-numbered starting at one for each Project.

  4. Description - A general description of what issue needs to be resolved.

  5. Resolution - A general description of how the issue will be resolved.
    Double click the current value of the Description or Resolution to edit it

  6. Done - True/False for if the item is completed.
    The ‘Done’ field can be auto-completed by a Status change by setting the CompletesIssue field to true on the Status record.

  7. CreatedOn and CreatedBy - The time/date and employee is logged when an Issue is first created

  8. CompletedOn and CompletedBy - The time/date and employee is logged when an Issue is marked as Done. Unchecking the Done field will clear these fields and they will be repopulated with a new value when checked as Done again.

Issue Notifications

You can configure notifications in Options for the following events

  • Issue Added

  • Issue Status Changed

  • Issue Deleted

Issue Folder

Options can be configured so that a folder is created for each issue under the project folder.

See this article for more information

Screen Pics

Issues tab on Project

Select an Issue Status popup

Select an Issue Type popup


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