Setting the Need By Date

Setting the Need By Date

Q: “…the Late PO notice is pulling the Need by date.  It looks like there is a ‘Needed’ date on each line of the PO that has a formula attached to it to make the date a day before the MWR attached is dated.  This is showing up in the late PO notification as the Need by date.  If there isn’t a date in that line, the Late PO notification will show the Need by date that we have populated.  How do we get the ‘Needed’ date on the PO lines to match the Need By Date? Or at least have it remain blank?”


The Needed date on the line items are designed so you can formulate them from a date on the linked Project or Phase (MWR). This allows the system to automatically be configured to tell you when the material is needed based on when production is going to start. This also allows you to be notified if you have material on order and then the Needed date changes. Most customers order materials per Phase and configure the Needed date to be just prior to the date that the Phase is released for production.

If you would rather use the Date Needed on the PO header that is entered manually, then you can remove the formulas for the Needed date on the MR and PO.

You can set the global default for Order by and Need by dates in Options under Purchasing (see pic below)

You can also override this formula per Part on the Parts form. 

MR/PO Items that are not linked to a Phase will use the 'Project' formula, linked items will use the 'Phase' formula.

Alternatively, you can leave the formulas in place and just modify the email warning you are getting to ignore the Need by date on the line item.