How to Manage Recipients of Notifications
Before you can send notifications, you must first configure your server to handle the Email Service, and secondly, configure your notification settings. Go here to learn more: Notification options
There is a place in ‘Settings->Options->Notifications' where you can add/remove who receives notifications.
Only users with ‘Can Edit Settings’ will have access to Settings->Options. Contact your System Administrator for rights.
How to add someone to a notification recipients List
If you want to notify an employee, or a group, when a particular event takes place, you’re in the right spot. Here, you will find instructions showing you how to add an employee, a particular role, or a specific email address to a recipients list, so they receive notifications. There are several different types of events that you can automate notifications for. Including, but not limited to; A Change Order, Drawing, Estimate, or a new invoice is created. An MR is rejected, the status of an RFI changes, or a new project is added. These are just a few examples. To begin setting them up, follow these steps:
Navigate to Settings->Options->Notifications
Click in the ‘Recipients’ column for your desired event. In this example, we’ve chosen ‘Invoice Added’.
Right-click in the row you’ve selected to pop-up a context menu.
Select ‘Add Employee’. (Note: You can also select ‘Add Role’, if you’d like a notification to go to a group of individuals all sharing the same job role.)
Select the desired employee from the pop-up picklist.
Click ‘OK’. You will now see the employee’s name in the ‘Recipients’ column.
Repeat steps 2-6 to add additional employees to the recipient list.
Edit Recipient List - Add Employee, Role, Email Address, or Remove
Right-Click in the ‘Recipients’ column' of the desired Event row.
Select ‘Edit’
Select Add Employee, Add Role, Add Email Address, or Remove to edit the Recipients list.
Click ‘OK’.
Some organizations use shared mailboxes such as,,, etc. Perhaps you want to send a notification to your CPA, but don’t want to have to add them as an employee? You can add email addresses as recipients.
How to Stop a Recipient from Receiving Notifications:
Select the event that currently has a notification going to a person(s) or group you would like to remove. (highlighted).
Right-Click to pop-up a context menu.
Select Edit.
In the ‘Recipients’ pop-up window, select the name you want to remove (highlighted)
Right-click to pop-up a context menu.
Click ‘Remove’
Click ‘OK’.
Repeat steps 1-7 for all other events that you would like to remove a recipient, role, or email address.