Release: July 13, 2020

In this Release, changes have been made to the workflow for punching in/out using the Timeclock (see notes below). We advise you to review with your shop personnel after installing this update to avoid confusion.

  • Fix: Calendar - After the previous update the Calendar form could not load the lower window when using the ‘Phase Task’ Type

  • Fix: Project Phone/Email - If there were more than one phone number and more than one email address added directly to a Project it was duplicating the phone and email items on the contacts tab of the Project.

  • Fix: Employee Permissions - The tab to change permissions for editing Dates and Quantities was not working after a recent update.

  • Fix: Assign Tasks on Task Overview - After the previous update, the right-click menu options to Assign or Remove Assignments from Tasks were not working.

  • Add Products to Manifest - Right-click the items list on a Manifest and select ‘Add Products’ to add line items from the Product Library.

Field mapping can be customized using the Setting named ‘ManifestItemFromProductMapping’

  • Task Overview Changes

    • New Columns available

      • Task Hours: Budget

      • Task Hours: Actual

      • Task Hours: Progress (Percentage Actual / Budget)

      • Task Type (i.e. Project, Phase, etc.)

    • Added an option titled ‘Hide Out-of-range Tasks’ that can be toggled on/off after customizing a date range to hide rows that no longer fall within the range.

    • Added an option titled ‘Adjust Date Range on Print’. If this box is checked the date range will be adjusted to use the selected tasks when printing the Timeline and two or more records are selected.

    • Search - Added a search box at the top of the Timeline to filter out rows using a text search

    • New Report Type - Right-click and select Print from the Grid to run a custom report for Tasks. Reports need a prefix of CN_TASK_ to appear here and accept the parameters ‘TaskID’ (current row), ‘AllTaskIDs’ (IDs of all rows in the current view) and ‘SelectedTaskIDs’ (all highlighted rows)

  • Employee Schedule - Added a link on the Employee form to set the current Schedule for an employee. You can also set this in Resources if the Employee has been added as a Resource. Changing in one place will change it in both places. Create/Edit Schedules under Settings-->Schedules.

  • Employee Labor Schedule - Added a column to Employee labor records to link to a Schedule for determining start/stop times for labor calculations. When a labor record is created it will log the schedule that was selected on the Employee record at that time.

  • Employee Labor Type - Added a column to Employee labor records for identifying different punch types. Current values will include ‘IN’, ‘OUT’, ‘BP' (Break Paid), ‘BU' (Break Unpaid)

  • Timeclock Punches - The clock in/out options have been revised on the desktop apps.

    • IN - Use this to start your shift. This method will create a labor record with a Type of ‘IN’ and will bypass any field requirements configured for time punches. It will still include the Default Department and Operation for the Employee. This option can only be used once at the start of a shift.

    • PROJECT - Use this to Clock Into Projects. This works the same was ‘Clock In’ worked previously

    • OUT - Use this to end your shift and Clock Out

  • Timeclock Breaks - New buttons have been added to manually start/stop breaks

    • PAID - Use this to start a Paid Break. The labor record will log a value type of ‘BP’ and when the Break ends a new labor record will start using the same information as the record prior to the start of the Break.

    • UNPAID - Same as Paid Break except no hours will be accumulated on this labor record and it will be logged as a Type ‘BU’.

    • END BREAK - Use this to end the current break.

  • Auto-lookup Exchange Rates - Added settings so you can configure CN to use a web service to lookup exchange rates on POs with a foreign currency. See PO Foreign Exchange Rate - Lookup Rates Online for information on configuring this option.

  • New Canned Reports

    • Invoice Aging Summary - Run from the Invoice list on a Project or on the Invoice form. Summarizes all outstanding invoices by Age.

  • Manifest Title Template - Added new settings to configure the default Title when creating Manifests. The following tags are available in the template: <ProjectID>, <ProjectDescription>, <ProjectIDDescription>, <PhaseID>, <PhaseDescription>, <PhaseIDDescription>. The <ProjectID> and <PhaseID> tags can have 0 padding by adding a colon followed by the qty of characters to pad to. You can also override the padding character by adding a second colon followed by the character to use for padding. The following example will pad the Phase ID with leading spaces so it’s 4 characters long.<PhaseID:4: >. The following settings to configure this can be found on the All tab in Options.

    • ManifestTitleTemplate_Project - The template used when adding a Manifest for a Project.
      Example: <ProjectID:6>: <ProjectDescription>

    • ManifestTitleTemplate_Phase - The template used when adding a Manifest for a Phase.
      Example: <ProjectIDDescription> / <PhaseID:4:0>; <PhaseDescription>